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Excerpt from www.lifenews.com
Leftists love to believe that churches should be run like clubs — the majority rules. So they’ll make a big deal out of polls, like the Pew Research Center finding six of ten Catholics disagree with the church’s opposition to abortion. They do not ask self-identified Catholics whether they actually go to church on Sundays, or if they stopped the minute they became an adult. You would get a more conservative result.
On Tuesday, NPR’s newscast All Things Considered brought on reporter Katia Riddle to channel the views of pro-abortion Catholics, but what made it more shocking is touting a pro-abortion nun — someone who is financially supported by the Church, and who should be accepting of all the Church teachings.
KATIA RIDDLE: Today, Missouri is replete with Catholic churches, iconography and people like Sister Barbara.
SISTER BARBARA: I certainly did not intend to, you know, become a sister or a nun.
RIDDLE: She’s standing outside her modest apartment, wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. She grew up Catholic but wasn’t all that religious. In her 20s, she describes a kind of love affair she fell into with Catholicism.