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Excerpt from www.thecollegefix.com
EVANSTON, Ill. — One or more people attacked the Northwestern University College Republicans’ pro-Israel display after it was up for just five hours this weekend – but it will not change our support.
On Sunday, students representing the university’s College Republicans and Young Americans for Freedom gathered on Deering Meadow, in front of Deering Library, to put up an Israel and American flag display in solidarity with Israel and Jewish students.
We decided to show our support of Israel directly in response to the pro-Palestinian encampment previously on the same lawn. Remnants of the encampment — including trash, tents, and other camping equipment — are still there.
In fact, the university had allowed the anti-Israel display to stay up for weeks now, only recently ordering the tents to be removed. This happened after numerous concessions to the activists, including full-ride scholarships to Palestinian students.