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Excerpt from www.theblaze.com
The board at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill voted to cut funding from diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and instead divert the funds to increase public safety.
If approved by the full board, the decision would move $2.3 million to help police the campus.
“It’s important to consider the needs of all 30,000 students, not just the 100 or so that may want to disrupt the university’s operations,” said budget committee vice-chair Marty Kotis. “It takes away resources for others.”
‘I don’t think it gives a return on investment to taxpayers.’
He also said that the funds needed to be funneled to police in order to provide enough security to protect students and faculty.
“They do not have all the tools they need right now to keep this campus safe from a larger threat,” Kotis said about the police.