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Excerpt from redstate.com
Here’s the thing: The language reflected in the Operations Order and related documents was standard language — the sort of language you’d find in most orders of that nature. Don’t take my word for it — let’s see what those who’ve actually executed such warrants and/or been present at briefings involving them have to say:
The DOJ deadly force policy is literally in EVERY @fbi op order and read verbatim to every agent involved prior to the op. This is a giant nothing-🍔. If @realDonaldTrump picked a competent @fbi director, he’d have known that. The MAL raid is dubious at best. This policy is not. https://t.co/l4dcYipyLN
— Garret O’Boyle (@GOBactual) May 21, 2024
I’ve tried to make this point. I read that language a couple hundred times over 21 years whenever an Ops plan was sent to me. If I didn’t get it before the search, I got it after.