After the FCC-ordered release of the CBS interview with Kamala Harris, President Donald J Trump accused CBS of engaging in “election interference.” The video shows the originally released video was highly edited to make Kamala look as good as possible. During the interview, Kamala often seen lost and answered questions almost incoherently. The edited video made her seem at least competent.
Trump said in response, “CBS and 60 Minutes defrauded the public by doing something which has never, to this extent, been seen before. They 100% removed Kamala’s horrible election-changing answers to questions, and replaced them with completely different, and far better, answers, taken from another part of the interview.
This was Election-changing ‘stuff,’ Election Interference and, quite simply, Election Fraud at a level never seen before. CBS should lose its license, and the cheaters at 60 Minutes should all be thrown out, and this disreputable ‘NEWS’ show should be immediately terminated.”
New Video Shows CBS Deceptively Edited Kamala Harris Interview–
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The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ordered that CBS News release the entire “60 Minutes” interview with Vice President Kamala Harris, which the network withheld during the campaign. On Wednesday, no one was shocked to learn what everyone knew all along: CBS deceptively edited the interview to help the Harris campaign with her comically poor ability to answer questions coherently.
During the 2024 presidential campaign, CBS released only 20 minutes of a nearly hour-long interview with Harris. While calls to release the entire interview went unanswered at the time, the full video shows that CBS not only spliced her answer on American-Israeli relations in favor of Harris — the initial video that landed the outlet in hot water — but hid other key moments displaying her incapability.
“The video proves beyond a reasonable doubt that CBS News lied to the American people when they claimed they didn’t edit anything out of the video,” Nicholas Fondacaro, associate editor with MRC NewsBusters, told The Federalist. “It’s now confirmed that not only did they clean up Kamala’s word salad answers for the 60 Minutes airing, they also edited one of Whitaker’s questions because it called out the administration for getting ‘blindsided’ and ‘rebuffed’ on the international stage. Essentially, things that wouldn’t sit well with American voters ahead of what was thought to be a very tight election.”
The release of the full transcript and video interview comes after Trump sued CBS for “deceptive doctoring” of the video, which many said at the time was done essentially as a contribution to the Harris campaign. The Center for American Rights, a right-leaning law firm, also filed a complaint with the FCC to get the full interview released.
Trump-appointed FCC chair Brendan Carr obtained the full versions after pressuring CBS, which had consistently defended its decision to withhold the full versions. After the cuts, former CBS reporter Catherine Herridge — who was fired after investigating the Hunter Biden laptop — said that for CBS to release the footage or transcript would have normally been the common practice.