07-02-b-Culture Highlights Nominees

The Network Contagion Research Institute released a report called “Instructing Animosity: How DEI Pedagogy Produces the Hostile Attribution Bias.” The study reveals that efforts by institutions to force their employees (directly or indirectly) to go through DEI training is creating more hatred, more division, than it alleges it will eliminate.

From the Report, “While not representative of all DEI pedagogy, ‘anti-racism’ and ‘anti-oppression’ pedagogy and intervention materials have seen widespread adoption across sectors like higher education and healthcare.”

This means the catastrophic effects of forcing an ideology of hate on people is about to hit most of our major institutions, including healthcare, a fact that has already caused this writer to reduce dependence on the current healthcare system as it exists today.

Diversity Training Linked to Increased Animosity Toward Others– www.dailysignal.com
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Diversity, equity, and inclusion has made society meaner—mean enough to accept Hitlerian terms when describing out-groups and seeking to exact revenge on perceived oppressors.

This was all common sense to many of us years ago, but it’s nice that we now have a study that substantiates our perception.

The report, released Nov. 25 by the always-good Network Contagion Research Institute and titled “Instructing Animosity: How DEI Pedagogy Produces the Hostile Attribution Bias,” describes how groups that were exposed to writings by DEI retailers Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo reacted compared to control groups that were instead given anodyne texts on technical material.

Every time, members of the groups under the spell of Kendi and DiAngelo or similar writers looked for discrimination under every bed, found offense in “microaggressions” that did not exist, and, more worryingly, sought to penalize those they wrongly identified as having committed these transgressions.

Lest we forget, this comes from an approach that promised “better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone,” according to Google CEO Sundar Pichai. DEI is “the key to growth,” according to activist Jesse Jackson, and something that “creates safer and fairer workplaces,” according to Rep. Robert Garcia, D-Calif.

The state of Oregon is pushing for a change in their rules, a regulation change, that will force healthcare companies to pay for giving children puberty blockers and/or mutilating their genitalia and/or removing their breasts because the “World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)” declared that destroying children is “medically necessary.”

Oregon is a “Transgender Sanctuary State,” meaning it is compelled to force trans preferences on everyone else in their state, using violence in the form of the state gun to do so. It should be noted that “transgenderism” is a social construct, not a scientific “fact,” a construct that violates the religious and ethical standards of many of the peoples under Oregon’s oppressive thumb.

Oregon to Force Health Insurers to Cover Trans Surgeries for Minors › American Greatness– amgreatness.com
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The state of Oregon is proposing a rule that will force all health insurers in the state, public and private alike, to cover genital mutilation surgery for minors who believe they are “transgender,” threatening the loss of state licenses for insurers who refuse.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the proposal from Oregon’s Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) follows the guidelines set by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which declares that the removal of children’s genitals are “medically necessary.” Following a law passed in 2023 making Oregon a so-called “trans sanctuary state,” the state has largely followed the orders of WPATH and other medically dubious organizations that support the false and scientifically-debunked idea of “transgenderism.”

Oregon has already forced insurers to guarantee that children can receive puberty blockers and other forms of hormone treatment. The escalation to full genital surgery, set to take effect next year, would be the most radical move yet. DCBS spokesman Mark Peterson said that this rule will dictate “what insurance companies are required to cover and how they provide that coverage.”

The new rule will also force insurers to contract with multiple “gender doctors” in order to prevent long wait times. Any health plan employees who are responsible for denying such claims have to take WPATH’s training sessions in order to “demonstrate their experience with gender-affirming treatment.”

The rule was unveiled on October 30th, with public comment closing on Tuesday. It will formally take effect on January 1st.

Oregon is following WPATH’s orders even despite the organization coming under greater scrutiny. A report from the Economist detailed how WPATH manipulated its own research to produce the outcome it desired based on ideology rather than hard science. The group also suppressed a commissioned research report regarding transitioning minors due to the report’s failure to show benefits that were initially promised. Even the Biden-Harris Administration has cracked down on the group, forcing it to raise the minimum age for recommended “transgender care.”

Iraq is set to pass a new bill that will lower the age of consent in the country from 18 to 9, meaning children can effectively be legally raped by adults. One Iraqi lawmaker fighting the demonic bill, Raya Faiq, said of the bill, “This is a catastrophe for women. This law legalizes child rape.”

Iraq Proposes New Law to Lower ‘Age of Consent’ for Girls from 18 to 9 Years Old – ‘Legalizes Child Rape’ | The Gateway Pundit– www.thegatewaypundit.com
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While liberal women in the U.S. meltdown over President Donald Trump’s decisive victory on election day by shaving their heads and joining the “4B” movement vowing to stay away from men, girls in other parts of the world face actual oppression and abuse.

A draft of new legislation in Iraq proposes lowering the age of consent for girls from 18 to 9 years old in a move that women’s rights activists say would “legalize child rape.”

According to France24, the bill would allow citizens to choose either religious authorities or the civil judiciary to decide family affairs, including setting a new minimum age for girls to marry.

The proposed changes to the “personal status law”  would also deprive women of the right to divorce and impact child custody and inheritance.

Raya Faiq, who is fighting against the bill, told The Guardian, “This is a catastrophe for women. This law legalizes child rape.”

France24 reports:

Amnesty International’s Iraq researcher Razaw Salihy said the proposed changes should be “stopped in their tracks”.

“No matter how it is dressed up, in passing these amendments, Iraq would be closing a ring of fire around women and children,” she said.

According to the proposed changes, “Muslims of age” who want to marry must choose whether the 1959 Personal Status Law or Sharia Islamic rules apply to them on family matters.

NBC USES “ENTERTAINMENT” TO INCITE VIOLENCE AGAINST PRO-LIFE ACTIVISTS – An episode of NBC’s “Law & Order” portrayed Pro-Life activists as being dangerous terrorist bombers who are trying to hunt down and kill IVF doctors. The episode, “The Meaning of Life,” offers other Pro-Unborn-Murder-Killer tropes, while allowing for a scintilla of pro-life counter through their largely DNC-CCP activist characters.

10 States Have Ballot Measures for Abortions Up to Birth. Please Vote No– www.lifenews.com
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Abortion is “on the ballot this November.” In ten statesextreme abortion measures will be put before voters. Last month, a panel of pro-life experts discussed the threat of these state ballot initiatives and amendments that, if passed, would expand abortion “rights’’ and even add abortion as a protected right in many state constitutions. 

The panel was put together by the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and co-hosted by the House Values Action Team. It featured four abortionists-turned-pro-life OBGYNs who shared their stories and expertise to debunk the numerous lies being spun about these proposals and to help Christians spread pro-life truth during this critical election season. 

Kamala Harris hemorrhaging support among young men — and Planned Parenthood’s deleted meme hints at why– www.theblaze.com
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Democrats are panicking over recent polling data indicating Kamala Harris is not only deeply unpopular with American men, broadly speaking, but increasingly with young male voters.

The Harris boosters at Planned Parenthood Action recently posted then quickly deleted a meme that unintentionally illustrated the alienating approach that might be causing Democrats’ retention problems with young men.

The PPA posted the “Girl Explaining” meme, which features a disheveled young woman with an exposed midriff yelling into the face of an exhausted and ostensibly apathetic young man at a concert.

Biden-Harris Want to Use Obamacare to Make Americans Fund Birth Control– www.lifenews.com
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The Biden administration on October 21 proposed making over-the-counter contraception free for everyone who has commercial health insurance.

According to an article in Roll Call, President Joe Biden stated, “Today, my Administration is taking a major step to expand contraception coverage under the Affordable Care Act. This new action would help ensure that millions of women with private health insurance can access the no-cost contraception they need.”

The article explains that the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Labor and Treasury jointly proposed the rule, which would “require insurance plans to cover OTC contraceptives at no cost and without a prescription for individuals with commercial insurance plans.”

The article continues, “Health plans would also be required to tell beneficiaries about the policy and would expand their required coverag

Hurricane Helene Disrupted Abortion Care in the South– www.scientificamerican.com
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CLIMATEWIRE | ASHEVILLE, North Carolina — North Carolina’s only abortion provider west of Charlotte has been closed since Hurricane Helene because it lacks potable water.

The monthlong closure of the Asheville Planned Parenthood has forced patients to travel hours for care. It has also strained other abortion clinics in North Carolina, which have seen increases in appointments over the last two years as neighboring states have limited or banned procedures following the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court.

“This is a very harmful loss of access for patients in North Carolina and also surrounding states and region,” said Julia Walker, a spokesperson for Planned Parenthood South Atlantic. “But this would not have been such a harmful and impactful storm if we had laws that allowed more access for people to obtain care.”

An episode of NBC’s “Law & Order” portrayed Pro-Life activists as being dangerous terrorist bombers who are trying to hunt down and kill IVF doctors. The episode, “The Meaning of Life,” offers other Pro-Unborn-Murder-Killer tropes, while allowing for a scintilla of pro-life counter through their largely DNC-CCP activist characters.

NBC’s ‘Law & Order’ Portrays Pro-lifers as Terrorist Bombers– www.newsbusters.org
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Last night, NBC’s Law & Order portrayed pro-lifers as terrorist bombers who target IVF (in-vitro fertilization) practitioners.

In the episode, “The Meaning of Life,” on Thursday, an IVF doctor named Sarah Heartwood (Erica Sweany) is left in an irreversible coma after receiving a bomb-laden package.

Heartwood’s husband is a well-known atheist author. Law enforcement initially suspects the bomber is a Muslim plumber who attacked her husband at a book lecture. When the plumber provides an alibi, NYPD next arrests a black man who delivered the package. Of course, neither the Muslim nor the black man are the killer. The real killer turns out to be a “random white guy,” in the words of one of the detectives. Surprise!

Marvin Aneer Jalo, 17, is alleged to have plotted to murder tens of people attending a Pride Parade in Phoenix Arizona. The plan was to use a drone loaded up with explosives and fly it into the middle of a large crowd. You haven’t heard of this close call because the person in question was an Islamist who hoped to “bomb 2024 Pride Parade and take over USA.”

Arizona Teen Plotted Massacre at Phoenix Pride Parade. Here’s Why You Haven’t Heard About It. – PJ Media– pjmedia.com
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A 17-year-old in Peoria, Ariz., has been arrested over his plans to load up a drone with explosives and send it into the Phoenix Pride parade. He was hoping to “bomb 2024 Pride Parade and take over USA” and said that he had ordered bomb-making equipment. He was, however, discovered and stopped before he could carry out his attack. Still, you should have heard about a terror plot of this magnitude, yet the establishment media is maintaining near-radio silence about it.

Now, foiled attacks always get less attention than ones that are successful, and that’s why you likely haven’t heard about this particular plot, but there is another reason as well: the perpetrator was not a “white supremacist” gun nut who could be easily shoehorned into the left’s standard narrative about supposed “right-wing” violence.

Instead, Marvin Aneer Jalo was an Islamic jihadist, coming at a time when the left’s alliance with Islamic groups is fraught with tension over the Biden-Harris regime’s failure to betray Israel as thoroughly as Muslim leaders have been demanding they do, as well as over social issues, with many Muslims furious over the left’s unshakeable determination to embrace and normalize every fantasy, delusion and perversion that comes down the pike. So this was just the worst time for a Muslim to plot to blow up a Pride Parade, and that’s why you’re likely to hear about this plot only here.

America’s Moloch Culture Sterilizes Thousands of Children – mindfulintelligence.com

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The Moloch culture that is child transgenderism has led to the sterilization of over 13,000 children in the last 5 years, with 5,800 of those children receiving genital mutilation surgery and/or mastectomies. This leaves these children dependent on expensive chronic medical treatment that will make Big Pharma billions.

This leaves parents vulnerable to having their children sacrificed on the altar of Moloch by school teachers emboldened with Moloch-protecting “transgender child” laws that enable them to groom children to “consensually” sacrifice their very sexuality “for the good of the whole.”

Over 13,900 U.S. Kids Have Received Damaging ‘Sex Change’ Treatments (So Far) – PJ Media– pjmedia.com
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Between 2019 and 2023, over 13,900 American kids received LGBTQ “sex change” treatments, temporarily or permanently damaging their growing bodies. U.S. leftists are really giving Moloch worshippers a run for their money on child sacrifice.

The medical advocacy group Do No Harm announced a groundbreaking database Oct. 8, the Stop the Harm Database, to record and expose the number of surgeries and “treatments” provided in the U.S. to kids that encourage the lie that people can change their biological sex. “With the launch of the Stop the Harm Database, Do No Harm is building on our mission to expose the dangers of experimental pediatric gender medicine and bring the practice to an end,” the group’s Chairman Dr. Stanley Goldfarb stated.

It is significant that the “transgender” surgery industry has been projected to reach up to a $5 billion value by the end of the decade. As Rush Limbaugh would say, follow the money.

From the Do No Harm accouncement:

Key National Findings (2019 to 2023):

13,994 children received sex change related treatments

5,747 sex change surgeries performed on children

62,682 hormone and puberty blockers prescriptions written for 8,579 pediatric patients.

At least $119,791,202 made from sex change treatments performed on minors

These numbers are just scratching the surface of how widespread these practices truly are.

Almost 5,800 Minor Patients had Irreversible Gender Surgeries Last 5 Years– legalinsurrection.com
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The medical watchdog group Do No Harm established a database with the 225 hospitals that provide gender-changing surgeries on minors.

The majority of hospitals that performed the most surgeries are located in blue states:

In California, charges exceeded $28 million from over 2,000 minor patients, while Massachusetts saw around $10 million in expenses from 671 minor patients. New York also had one of the highest rates of transgender treatments for young people, with 1,154 minor patients undergoing sex changes between 2019 and 2023.

California, one of the first states to declare itself a “sanctuary state” for transgender procedures, also had the most irreversible surgeries, with 1,359 minors undergoing surgical procedures, followed by Oregon with 357, Washington with 330, Pennsylvania with 316 and Massachusetts with 300.

The 12 worst offending hospitals:

1. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
2. Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
3. Children’s Minnesota
4. Seattle Children’s
5. Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
6. Boston Children’s Hospital
7. Rady Children’s Hospital (San Diego, CA)
8. Children’s National Medical Center (Washington, DC)
9. UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland
10. Children’s Hospital Colorado
11. UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
12. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

The database also records what medical facilities are providing these harmful “treatments” to kids, from puberty blockers to surgeries to cross-sex hormones. The majority of transgender youth are depressed and more likely to be suicidal, and most children naturally grow out of gender dysphoria if allowed to do so. Also, LGBTQ “treatments” can be physically harmful. For instance, cross-sex hormones can cause heart problems, blood clots, and infertility; puberty blockers can inflict lasting damage on kids’ body parts including bones and brains; and surgeries leave youth mutilated and in pain from the body parts hacked off and artificially re-structured.

Pennsylvania Taxpayers Paid Over $2.5 Million for Kids ‘Sex Change’ Interventions › American Greatness– amgreatness.com
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Taxpayers in Pennsylvania were billed more than $2.5 million via Medicaid to pay for “irreversible sex change interventions” on children between 2019 and 2023, according to the organization Do No Harm.

The Philly Leader reported that Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania (CHOP) and UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh were both named to Do No Harm’s “Dirty Dozen” list, consisting of the “12 worst offending children’s hospitals promoting sex change treatments for minors.”

The Stop the Harm database, which is a project of Do No Harm, reported that hospitals in the Keystone State saw 822 minors who were “sex change patients” including 316 surgery patients and 518 children who were administered hormone and puberty blockers.

125 of those interventions were paid for by the Medicaid program at a cost of $2, 527,715.

Taxpayer funding of these types of medical procedures has been in the spotlight as presidential candidate Kamala Harris has openly advocated for so-called “transgender” surgeries for inmates and illegal immigrants.

Transgender ‘Medicine’ Essential to Military, Democrats Say– www.dailysignal.com
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Several Democrats running in tight races for the U.S. House and Senate joined a larger group of Democrats in signing a letter urging Congress not to defund a measure providing experimental transgender medical interventions that’s included in a bill to fund the U.S. military.

The vast majority of the Democrats in the House (162 of 212) signed the letter, led by Reps. Sara Jacobs, D-Calif.; Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash.; and Mark Pocan, D-Wis. The letter urges the House of Representatives not to include “provisions that actively target LGBTQ+ service members and LGBTQ+ dependents and threaten the recruitment, retention, and readiness of our Armed Forces” in the National Defense Authorization Act, the bill to fund the military.

The NDAA allocates money to the Department of Defense and it is considered one of the must-pass bills in Congress each year. Two of the letter’s signatories, Reps. Colin Allred, D-Texas, and Ruben Gallego, D-Ariz., are running for U.S. Senate in their respective states.

Trans Maine high schooler with prior sexual harassment allegations brutally attacks female classmate: report – thepostmillennial.com
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“The whole time, she’s just screaming for help, crying and screaming, ‘somebody help.’ And nobody helped her.”

A trans-identifying male student at a Maine high school has been accused of a violent assault on a female classmate last Friday after video of the incident was made public. The student had previously faced sexual harassment complaints at another school which were not addressed.

A biological male student attacked a female classmate outside Mount Desert Island High School in Bar Harbor. The student reportedly struck the girl in the head with a metal water bottle, pinned her to the ground, and bit her eye while pulling her hair and smashing her head into the pavement, according to The Maine Wire. The outlet also obtained additional unreleased footage corroborating the family’s allegations, showing the attacker violently hitting the victim with the bottle, straddling her, and attempting to rip out her hair.

“He full on attacks her, gets on top of her and pins her down,” the mother of the victim shared with the Maine Wire. “So she’s not even able to defend herself in any way because he’s bigger, he’s heavier, he’s like six-feet tall.”

“The whole time, she’s just screaming for help, crying and screaming, ‘somebody help.’ And nobody helped her,” the mother added. “The principal sat there and screamed at them instead of helping. And [her daughter] said, ‘Mom, I really thought I was going to die. I thought that was it. I thought I was never going to see you again.’ And that’s probably the hardest thing to hear.”

Anti-Woke Activist Notches Another Win Against Major Company– townhall.com
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Anti-woke activist Robby Starbuck has made it his mission of late to restore neutrality in corporate America, and based on his track record, sanity looks like it’s coming back “bigly.”

“We are a force to be reckoned with and we won’t stop until wokeness is extinct,” he said on X, after informing his followers about the latest developments at Toyota and Lexus.

Just a week after exposing radical policies at Toyota, including involvement in drag queen programs working with kids, support of the Equality Act, donating to groups that support child transitions, and diversity, equity, and inclusion trainings, to name just some of Toyota’s woke policies, Starbuck announced the company made some “BIG changes.”

The Moloch culture that is child transgenderism has led to the sterilization of over 13,000 children in the last 5 years, with 5,800 of those children receiving genital mutilation surgery and/or mastectomies. This leaves these children dependent on expensive chronic medical treatment that will make Big Pharma billions.

This leaves parents vulnerable to having their children sacrificed on the altar of Moloch by school teachers emboldened with Moloch-protecting “transgender child” laws that enable them to groom children to “consensually” sacrifice their very sexuality “for the good of the whole.”

Over 13,900 U.S. Kids Have Received Damaging ‘Sex Change’ Treatments (So Far) – PJ Media– pjmedia.com
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Between 2019 and 2023, over 13,900 American kids received LGBTQ “sex change” treatments, temporarily or permanently damaging their growing bodies. U.S. leftists are really giving Moloch worshippers a run for their money on child sacrifice.

The medical advocacy group Do No Harm announced a groundbreaking database Oct. 8, the Stop the Harm Database, to record and expose the number of surgeries and “treatments” provided in the U.S. to kids that encourage the lie that people can change their biological sex. “With the launch of the Stop the Harm Database, Do No Harm is building on our mission to expose the dangers of experimental pediatric gender medicine and bring the practice to an end,” the group’s Chairman Dr. Stanley Goldfarb stated.

It is significant that the “transgender” surgery industry has been projected to reach up to a $5 billion value by the end of the decade. As Rush Limbaugh would say, follow the money.

From the Do No Harm accouncement:

Key National Findings (2019 to 2023):

13,994 children received sex change related treatments

5,747 sex change surgeries performed on children

62,682 hormone and puberty blockers prescriptions written for 8,579 pediatric patients.

At least $119,791,202 made from sex change treatments performed on minors

These numbers are just scratching the surface of how widespread these practices truly are.

Almost 5,800 Minor Patients had Irreversible Gender Surgeries Last 5 Years– legalinsurrection.com
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The medical watchdog group Do No Harm established a database with the 225 hospitals that provide gender-changing surgeries on minors.

The majority of hospitals that performed the most surgeries are located in blue states:

In California, charges exceeded $28 million from over 2,000 minor patients, while Massachusetts saw around $10 million in expenses from 671 minor patients. New York also had one of the highest rates of transgender treatments for young people, with 1,154 minor patients undergoing sex changes between 2019 and 2023.

California, one of the first states to declare itself a “sanctuary state” for transgender procedures, also had the most irreversible surgeries, with 1,359 minors undergoing surgical procedures, followed by Oregon with 357, Washington with 330, Pennsylvania with 316 and Massachusetts with 300.

The 12 worst offending hospitals:

1. The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
2. Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
3. Children’s Minnesota
4. Seattle Children’s
5. Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
6. Boston Children’s Hospital
7. Rady Children’s Hospital (San Diego, CA)
8. Children’s National Medical Center (Washington, DC)
9. UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital Oakland
10. Children’s Hospital Colorado
11. UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
12. Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

The database also records what medical facilities are providing these harmful “treatments” to kids, from puberty blockers to surgeries to cross-sex hormones. The majority of transgender youth are depressed and more likely to be suicidal, and most children naturally grow out of gender dysphoria if allowed to do so. Also, LGBTQ “treatments” can be physically harmful. For instance, cross-sex hormones can cause heart problems, blood clots, and infertility; puberty blockers can inflict lasting damage on kids’ body parts including bones and brains; and surgeries leave youth mutilated and in pain from the body parts hacked off and artificially re-structured.

MELANIA SUPPORTS UNBORN CHILD MURDER – The Guardian is reporting that Melania Trump will claim she is Pro-Unborn-Baby-Murder in her soon-to-be-released memoir in a move that may have been intended to chase pro-life voters away from the Trump ticket. Melania confirmed her position in a video share on X where she wrote “Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I safeguard. Without a doubt, there is no room for compromise when it comes to this essential right that all women possess from birth: individual freedom. What does my body, my choice really mean?”

While some pro-life voters might now not vote for Trump after this, it is more likely, in this writer’s opinion, this will create far more new Trump voters, suburban white women who would otherwise not vote for Democrats if abortion wasn’t the main issue, than it will cause Trump to lose voters.

Almost 70 Percent of (Minnesota) Eighth Graders Not Proficient in Math– legalinsurrection.com
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I bet all of these students are well versed in the language of social justice and equity.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Nearly 70% of Minnesota eighth grade students not proficient in math under Tim Walz

The academic performance of Minnesota students has worsened since Tim Walz became governor. This sad reality has been largely ignored since Walz became the Democratic nominee for vice president.

The sons and daughters of Minnesota’s beleaguered families are forced to endure an incompetent education system as their governor prioritizes his political ambitions over the needs of the people he was elected to serve. Recent test scores showed that the overwhelming majority of students in Walz’s state are not proficient in mathematics or reading. Moreover, their proficiency levels have regressed since Walz was elected governor.