07-02-Culture Top

Transgender Service Members Left in Uncertainty After Trump’s Military Ban – TIME
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When Kate Cole, a 34-year-old U.S. Army Sergeant First Class and transgender woman, eventually retires from the military, she has dreams of moving from California to Colorado to work as a climbing guide. But right now, she only wants one thing: to be allowed to serve her country.

“I enjoy the work I do. I like working with the people I work with. The Army is my community,” says Cole, one of six trans service members who are suing the Trump Administration for its trans military ban, an Executive Order announced on January 27 that prohibits transgender troops from enlisting and serving openly in the military. “It’s my life.”

While the way the Department of Defense would implement the ban is unclear, the Executive Order would cut Cole and other trans service members from their jobs.

The National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD Law) filed a federal lawsuit on January 28 in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia against the Trump Administration in response to the order, saying the ban violates equal protection.

Insurrectionist NY Attorney General Letitia James has informed hospitals in her jurisdiction that they must follow state law, and disregard concern over the loss of federal funding so you can and WILL continue to chemically castrate, physically mutilate children in the name of the trans ideology.

Trump issued an order January 28 prohibiting federal funding for hospitals that give “gender affirming” surgery, hormone treatment to children under 18. James wrote, “Regardless of the availability of federal funding, we write to further remind you of your obligations to comply with New York State laws, including those that prohibit discrimination against individuals based on their membership in a protected class, such as sex [and] gender identity or expression.”

Letitia James wants NY hospitals to continue gender ‘mutilation’ of minors, despite Trump order– www.theblaze.com
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New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) has warned hospitals in her state that they must continue providing so-called “gender affirming care” to minors, despite an executive order from President Donald Trump, or risk possible repercussions for engaging in “discrimination.”

On January 28, Trump issued an executive order prohibiting federal funding for medical facilities that supposedly help a child 18 years old or younger “‘transition’ … from one sex to another.” The order described such procedures as “chemical and surgical mutilation” and noted they often result in permanent reproductive damage.

“Countless children soon regret that they have been mutilated and begin to grasp the horrifying tragedy that they will never be able to conceive children of their own or nurture their children through breastfeeding. Moreover, these vulnerable youths’ medical bills may rise throughout their lifetimes, as they are often trapped with lifelong medical complications, a losing war with their own bodies, and, tragically, sterilization,” the executive order explained.

Winning: Trump Orders Teachers and School Admins to Stop ‘Facilitating’ Gender Confusion in Kids– lidblog.com
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The Trump admin. has sent out a directive warning teachers and school administrators to stop pushing gender politics in schools. It is yet another example of the Trump administration admirably flooding the zone with a flurry of orders across the board and giving the leftists zero time to recover from one move to the next.

Per Just the News:

The White House broadened its all-out assault on gender ideology Wednesday night by threatening prosecution of teachers and schools for “unlawfully facilitating the social transition of a minor student” to identify and be treated as the opposite sex, part of a broader executive order on “ending radical indoctrination in K-12 schools.”

The potential legal actions against individuals involved in a process flagged in school districts nationwide but officially discouraged in England and in the pioneering “Dutch protocol” for treating gender dysphoria – affirming and reinforcing a child’s oft-temporary gender confusion – went unnoticed in a New York Times feature on school-related orders.


An Obama-appointed Federal judge, Timothy Brooks, struck down an Arkansas law making it illegal for librarians and booksellers to distribute sexually explicit content to minors. The judge said the law was “vaguely worded.”

He concluded, “The Court therefore concludes that Plaintiffs have established as a matter of law that Section 5 would permit, if not encourage, library committees and local governmental bodies to make censorship decisions based on content or viewpoint, which would violate the First Amendment.”

Obama-Appointed Judge Strikes Down Red State Law Against Providing ‘Harmful’ Sexual Content To Minors– americanactionnews.com
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A federal judge ruled Monday that an Arkansas law allowing for the prosecution of librarians and booksellers who distribute sexually explicit content to minors is unconstitutional.

Obama-appointed Judge Timothy Brooks struck down the law stating that it is “vaguely worded” and “violates the due process rights of professional librarians and booksellers and the First Amendment rights of library and bookstore patrons.” The penalty for anyone allowing minors to access inappropriate content would have been up to a year of jail time.

“The Court therefore concludes that Plaintiffs have established as a matter of law that Section 5 would permit, if not encourage, library committees and local governmental bodies to make censorship decisions based on content or viewpoint, which would violate the First Amendment,” Brooks wrote in the court’s opinion.





American Action News




From their own mouths, woke “medical” doctors are “celebrating” the news that the Covid-19 lockdowns helped create an environment that allowed more children to be indoctrinated with the rainbow ideology. The study comes from the British Journal of Developmental Psychology.

A PhD student quoted in the News Medical Life Sciences article said, “The lockdown period of the pandemic gave many people the space and time to figure out who they are and what is important to them, which for many of our participants, included their gender identity.”

Study reveals positive impact of COVID-19 lockdown on gender identity development – News-Medical.Net
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Research published in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology indicates that the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown had largely positive impacts on gender identity development in trans and gender diverse youth.

For the study, 295 transgender and gender diverse U.S. youth, ages 13–22 years, were asked the open-ended question “How has the COVID pandemic changed or affected your own understanding of your gender identity?”

Responses revealed several themes. The most prevalent was “time for identity development,” suggesting that the pandemic and lockdown created space and time to explore and resolve their gender identity.

The lockdown period of the pandemic gave many people the space and time to figure out who they are and what is important to them, which for many of our participants, included their gender identity,” said corresponding author Sydney Hainsworth, who was a PhD student at the University of Arizona while conducting this research and is now a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Minnesota.

New data obtained from Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec reveals 15,300 Canadians legally committed physician-assisted suicide, which accounted for 4.7 percent of Canadian deaths. Canada also leads the world in organ donations through euthanasia, mostly due to a law that makes every Canadian an organ donor upon death unless they explicitly request not to be.

People with disabilities are vastly overrepresented in Canada’s latest assisted suicide figures– www.lifesitenews.com
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(Euthanasia Prevention Coalition) — On February 6, 2024, after obtaining the euthanasia data from Alberta, Ontario, and Québec, the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition published an article stating that there were approximately 15,300 euthanasia (MAiD) deaths in Canada in 2023.

On July 8, 2024 we published an article with links to the euthanasia data from Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Québec. We again predicted that there were about 15,300 euthanasia deaths in 2023.

On December 11, 2024, Canada’s Ministry of Health released the Fifth Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying which indicates that there were 15,343 reported euthanasia deaths representing 4.7 percent of all deaths in 2023.

Why did Canada’s Ministry of Health wait until December 2024 to release the 2023 euthanasia data when the report essentially concerns numbers and data while lacking information on the actual reason for people wanting to be killed by euthanasia?

Interesting data in the report:

  • Of the 15,343 reported euthanasia deaths: 95.9 percent were Track 1 deaths (the person was deemed to have a terminal condition); 4.1 percent were Track 2 deaths (the person was deemed as not having a terminal condition).
  • People with disabilities accounted for 33.5 percent of the Track 1 euthanasia deaths and 58.3 percent of the Track 2 euthanasia deaths. In 2022, 27 percent of Canadians were people with one or more disabilities. People with disabilities are over-represented in Canada’s euthanasia statistics.
  • 95.8 percent of those who died by euthanasia were Caucasian (White) while fewer than 1 percent were First Nations people. In 2022, 69.8 percent of Canadians euthanized were Caucasian and 5 percent were First Nations people.

The Network Contagion Research Institute released a report called “Instructing Animosity: How DEI Pedagogy Produces the Hostile Attribution Bias.” The study reveals that efforts by institutions to force their employees (directly or indirectly) to go through DEI training is creating more hatred, more division, than it alleges it will eliminate.

From the Report, “While not representative of all DEI pedagogy, ‘anti-racism’ and ‘anti-oppression’ pedagogy and intervention materials have seen widespread adoption across sectors like higher education and healthcare.”

This means the catastrophic effects of forcing an ideology of hate on people is about to hit most of our major institutions, including healthcare, a fact that has already caused this writer to reduce dependence on the current healthcare system as it exists today.

Diversity Training Linked to Increased Animosity Toward Others– www.dailysignal.com
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Diversity, equity, and inclusion has made society meaner—mean enough to accept Hitlerian terms when describing out-groups and seeking to exact revenge on perceived oppressors.

This was all common sense to many of us years ago, but it’s nice that we now have a study that substantiates our perception.

The report, released Nov. 25 by the always-good Network Contagion Research Institute and titled “Instructing Animosity: How DEI Pedagogy Produces the Hostile Attribution Bias,” describes how groups that were exposed to writings by DEI retailers Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo reacted compared to control groups that were instead given anodyne texts on technical material.

Every time, members of the groups under the spell of Kendi and DiAngelo or similar writers looked for discrimination under every bed, found offense in “microaggressions” that did not exist, and, more worryingly, sought to penalize those they wrongly identified as having committed these transgressions.

Lest we forget, this comes from an approach that promised “better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone,” according to Google CEO Sundar Pichai. DEI is “the key to growth,” according to activist Jesse Jackson, and something that “creates safer and fairer workplaces,” according to Rep. Robert Garcia, D-Calif.

The state of Oregon is pushing for a change in their rules, a regulation change, that will force healthcare companies to pay for giving children puberty blockers and/or mutilating their genitalia and/or removing their breasts because the “World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)” declared that destroying children is “medically necessary.”

Oregon is a “Transgender Sanctuary State,” meaning it is compelled to force trans preferences on everyone else in their state, using violence in the form of the state gun to do so. It should be noted that “transgenderism” is a social construct, not a scientific “fact,” a construct that violates the religious and ethical standards of many of the peoples under Oregon’s oppressive thumb.

Oregon to Force Health Insurers to Cover Trans Surgeries for Minors › American Greatness– amgreatness.com
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The state of Oregon is proposing a rule that will force all health insurers in the state, public and private alike, to cover genital mutilation surgery for minors who believe they are “transgender,” threatening the loss of state licenses for insurers who refuse.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the proposal from Oregon’s Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) follows the guidelines set by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which declares that the removal of children’s genitals are “medically necessary.” Following a law passed in 2023 making Oregon a so-called “trans sanctuary state,” the state has largely followed the orders of WPATH and other medically dubious organizations that support the false and scientifically-debunked idea of “transgenderism.”

Oregon has already forced insurers to guarantee that children can receive puberty blockers and other forms of hormone treatment. The escalation to full genital surgery, set to take effect next year, would be the most radical move yet. DCBS spokesman Mark Peterson said that this rule will dictate “what insurance companies are required to cover and how they provide that coverage.”

The new rule will also force insurers to contract with multiple “gender doctors” in order to prevent long wait times. Any health plan employees who are responsible for denying such claims have to take WPATH’s training sessions in order to “demonstrate their experience with gender-affirming treatment.”

The rule was unveiled on October 30th, with public comment closing on Tuesday. It will formally take effect on January 1st.

Oregon is following WPATH’s orders even despite the organization coming under greater scrutiny. A report from the Economist detailed how WPATH manipulated its own research to produce the outcome it desired based on ideology rather than hard science. The group also suppressed a commissioned research report regarding transitioning minors due to the report’s failure to show benefits that were initially promised. Even the Biden-Harris Administration has cracked down on the group, forcing it to raise the minimum age for recommended “transgender care.”

Iraq is set to pass a new bill that will lower the age of consent in the country from 18 to 9, meaning children can effectively be legally raped by adults. One Iraqi lawmaker fighting the demonic bill, Raya Faiq, said of the bill, “This is a catastrophe for women. This law legalizes child rape.”

Iraq Proposes New Law to Lower ‘Age of Consent’ for Girls from 18 to 9 Years Old – ‘Legalizes Child Rape’ | The Gateway Pundit– www.thegatewaypundit.com
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While liberal women in the U.S. meltdown over President Donald Trump’s decisive victory on election day by shaving their heads and joining the “4B” movement vowing to stay away from men, girls in other parts of the world face actual oppression and abuse.

A draft of new legislation in Iraq proposes lowering the age of consent for girls from 18 to 9 years old in a move that women’s rights activists say would “legalize child rape.”

According to France24, the bill would allow citizens to choose either religious authorities or the civil judiciary to decide family affairs, including setting a new minimum age for girls to marry.

The proposed changes to the “personal status law”  would also deprive women of the right to divorce and impact child custody and inheritance.

Raya Faiq, who is fighting against the bill, told The Guardian, “This is a catastrophe for women. This law legalizes child rape.”

France24 reports:

Amnesty International’s Iraq researcher Razaw Salihy said the proposed changes should be “stopped in their tracks”.

“No matter how it is dressed up, in passing these amendments, Iraq would be closing a ring of fire around women and children,” she said.

According to the proposed changes, “Muslims of age” who want to marry must choose whether the 1959 Personal Status Law or Sharia Islamic rules apply to them on family matters.

Possible genocidal maniac and Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine proponent Bill Gates has called on himself and fellow globalists to form a “new religion” that would keep humans occupied after AI allegedly takes over their jobs. He made these statements on the “Possible” podcast that is co-hosted by LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman.

Gates said “The potential positive path is so good that it will force us to rethink how should we use our time. You know, you can almost call it a new religion or a new philosophy of, okay, how do we stay connected with each other, not addicted to these things that’ll make video games look like nothing in terms of the attractiveness of spending time on them.”

Bill Gates Calls for Globalists to Create a ‘New Religion’ for the Public– slaynews.com
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Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has called on globalists to create a “new religion” to keep humans occupied in the AI-dominated near future.

According to Gates, members of the general public will soon have a lot of time on their hands when machines have replaced them in the workplace, “if all goes well,”

Gates argues that artificial intelligence will ensure that alleged issues such as “disease and enough food or climate” will be “solved problems.”

Because humans will have extra free time, Gates is calling on globalists to consider “how do we take advantage of that?”

According to Gates, giving the public “a new religion or a new philosophy” is the answer.