07-03-Culture Headlines

The Boy Scouts of America have officially announced to the world that the word “boy” has no place in their literature any more. All of their instruction manuals, promotion materials, etc., have all replaced the word by with “youth.” Even when describing the past, the organization says things like “Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath.”

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Excerpt from legalinsurrection.com

The left’s takeover of the Boy Scouts is complete. Another institution falls to progressive politics.

From Heather Mac Donald at City Journal:

Girling the Boy Scouts

The Boy Scouts of America has a Chief Diversity Officer & Vice President of Diversity and Inclusion. The organization requires all Eagle Scouts to earn a badge in diversity, equity, and inclusion. It admitted girls to its program for 11- to 17-year-old boys in 2019 and changed the name of that program from the Boy Scouts to Scouts BSA. The word “boy” has been routed from the organization’s promotional materials and replaced with “youth,” as in: “For more than 100 years, Scouting programs have instilled in youth the values found in the Scout Oath.”

Does it matter, then, that the Boy Scouts of America has now extirpated the last use of “boy” found in its entire portfolio—the “boy” in “Boy Scouts of America,” the name of the parent organization? It does. That the Boy Scouts cannot tolerate even an atavistic use of “boy” reveals how powerful the impulse is to efface males from our culture. The transformation of the Boy Scouts of America into Scouting America is an object lesson in the incapacity of traditional institutions to withstand progressive takeover.

The U.S. Sixth Circuit confirmed the blockage of a new order by President Joe Biden that would force schools to allow boys transitioning as girls into girls locker rooms, bathrooms, and sports fields. The three-judge panel voted unanimously to block the order. The judgment comes as a result of a lawsuit filed by Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, and West Virginia.

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Excerpt from www.wsmv.com

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WSMV) – The Tennessee Attorney General is celebrating after the U.S. Court of Appeals confirmed the blockage of a new Title IX rule.

Jonathan Skrmetti said the appeals court confirmed the blockage of a new Title IX rule that “would have allowed boys into girls’ locker rooms and private spaces, remains BLOCKED and will not go into effect this summer.”

Skrmetti held a press conference earlier in the year to discuss the state’s fight to defend Title IX. He led six states in suing the federal Department of Education to challenge its “dangerous overhaul” of Title IX of the Education Amendments Act.

Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in schools that receive funding from the federal government.

“The U.S. Department of Education has no authority to let boys into girls’ locker rooms,” Tennessee Attorney General Skrmetti said in a statement. “In the decades since its adoption, Title IX has been universally understood to protect the privacy and safety of women in private spaces like locker rooms and bathrooms. Under this radical and illegal attempt to rewrite the statute, if a man enters a woman’s locker room and a woman complains that makes her uncomfortable, the woman will be subject to investigation and penalties for violating the man’s civil rights. Federal bureaucrats have no power to rewrite laws passed by the people’s elected representatives, and I expect the courts will put a stop to this unconstitutional power grab.”

The House Judiciary Committee released an interim staff report that maps out the parties and methods being used to censor voices that don’t align with the DNC party’s core “values” and narratives.

The report is titled GARM’s Harm: How the World’s Biggest Brands Seek to Control Online Speech,” and it exposes the central hub of the government-corporate hub, Global Alliance for Responsible Media.

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Excerpt from californiaglobe.com

May 8th, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced he secured an important victory in his ongoing lawsuit against the Biden Administration for unlawfully censoring American media companies. “The federal government sought to have the lawsuit dismissed, but a federal district court judge denied the Biden Administration’s request and ordered expedited discovery, the Texas AG said. “The Biden Administration made a reprehensible attempt to censor the American press with funding intended to monitor foreign propaganda, aiming to repress viewpoints the federal government disagreed with,” said Attorney General Paxton.

… Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee released an interim staff report titled, “GARM’s Harm: How the World’s Biggest Brands Seek to Control Online Speech,” which details how large corporations, advertising agencies, and industry associations through the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) and specifically its Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) initiative participated in boycotts and coordinated action to demonetize platforms, podcasts, news outlets, and other content that GARM and its members deem disfavored. They represent 90% of all advertising dollars spent, according to House Chairman Jim Jordan. The full interim staff report here.

Our job as journalists is to hold government accountable and suss out the truth. NewsGuard is funded by the government, Big Pharma, and Big Tech to prevent that. Dennis Prager says, “If truth is allowed to prevail, the Left will fail.”

The spirit of abortion is only rising after the Supreme Court decision that overthrew Roe v Wade was rendered. Since then, general support for abortion rose 10 points from 50 percent to 60 percent. Support for abortion after the 24th week is at 30 percent. Support for abortion after the 15th week is at 54 percent.

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Excerpt from www.news-daily.com

TUESDAY, July 9, 2024 (HealthDay News) — Two years after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, more Americans think their state should allow a woman to get a legal abortion for any reason, a new poll finds.

Just over 6 in 10 of those questioned say women should have that right, compared to just under 50% of Americans who held the same belief in 2021, the new survey from the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found.

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Excerpt from www.nysun.com

Facebook’s parent company, Meta, will soon begin taking down posts that use the term “Zionists” as a proxy for hate speech against Jews, the social media conglomerate announced on Tuesday.

The landmark policy will extend the criteria for antisemitic and what it calls “tier 1 hate speech” to include misuse of the term “Zionist” when it is “used as a proxy to refer to Jewish or Israeli people.”

“We do not allow content that attacks people on the basis of protected characteristics such as nationality, race, or religion, among others,” the announcement reads. “We do allow people to criticize adherents of political affiliations and ideologies.”

However, for cases in which the term is used to refer to “supporters of a political movement,” the policy will not be invoked.

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Excerpt from thefederalist.com

The Massachusetts state government has erected taxpayer-funded billboards attacking pregnancy centers and encouraging women to “avoid” pro-life organizations.

The billboards, which went up across the state in June, accuse pro-life centers of “mislead[ing] you about your options if you’re pregnant” because these organizations do not provide dangerous and deadly abortion services. Advertisements with the same message were also rolled out on social media platforms, radio, YouTube, and public transit.

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Excerpt from dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.com

The abortion pill is never far from the news, whether a recent Supreme Court ruling concerning FDA’s regulation of it – or politicians arguing over its everyday legality.

But it might surprise you to learn that a nearly one-hundred-year-old man is behind the evil and wickedness of it all.

97-year-old French endocrinologist and biochemist Dr. Étienne-Émile Baulieu has contributed to more than 60% of the abortions performed in America this past year – and hundreds of millions of deaths since the advent of Mifepristone, a.k.a. the abortion pill.

The drug Mifepristone, which Dr. Baulieu developed, blocks progesterone, which is necessary to keep a pre-born baby alive.

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Excerpt from www.theblaze.com


Leftists appear conflicted about Western history. On the one hand, they have endeavored to sever ties with it,
tearing down statues, renaming places and species, and digging up graves. Yet, they also appear keen to transmogrify Western history — to rewrite it and reimagine it in order to bolster their contemporary worldview, advance their agenda, or to accommodate the sensitivities of their peers.

This latter impulse to transmogrify history appears to dominate in the United Kingdom where there is a burgeoning genre of revisionist agitprop aimed at either distorting facts to
paint Caucasians uniquely as history’s villains or to erase Caucasians from the isles’ history.

The British Broadcasting Corporation has contributed to this genre for years and has shown no signs of stopping.

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Excerpt from www.wgil.com

Pritzker could sign mandate prioritizing diversity in nonprofit leadership

The governor could soon sign a law mandating nonprofits disclose the demographic data of their board members.

The measure, according to the bill’s sponsor State Sen. Adriane Johnson, would only apply to larger nonprofits, those that provide $1 million or more in grants. Johnson said the goal is to give nonprofits an opportunity to have more diverse leadership.

“[With this bill] we will build upon the General Assembly’s previous efforts to highlight and elevate leadership, diversity, equity and inclusion in Illinois,” said Johnson. “This bill requires non profit organizations that provide $1 million in grants each year to report the demographic data on their public-facing website.”

State Sen Jil Tracy opposed Senate Bill 2930 on the floor and said this would be a burden on nonprofit organizations especially considering most board members are volunteers.

Biological cheater William Thomas, who declared he was a woman so he could go from the bottom 100 in college swimming to the top in college swimming, was informed by the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Switzerland that his petition to cheat against women in the Olympics was not going to happen.

Thomas was hoping to have a court overturn a policy from World Aquatics banning men from participating against women in swimming even if the man is now larping as a woman. The organization said. “A biological female athlete cannot overcome that advantage through training or nutrition. Nor can they take additional testosterone to obtain the same advantage, because testosterone is a prohibited substance under the World Anti-Doping Code… World Aquatics should remain committed to the separation of athletes in sport into men’s and women’s categories based on biological sex.”

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Excerpt from thefederalist.com

The Swiss-based Court of Arbitration for Sport rejected a challenge on Wednesday brought by Lia Thomas against World Aquatics’ ban on transgender athletes participating in the women’s category at elite swimming competitions, thus barring him from participating in the 2024 Summer Olympics.

The court’s rejection is a massive win for women’s sports and a major defeat for transgender athletes’ attempts to subvert biological reality.

World Aquatics’ transgender policy prohibits male athletes from competing against women, stating male-to-female transgender athletes are only granted permission to compete in the women’s category “if they can establish to World Aquatics’ comfortable satisfaction that they have not experienced any part of male puberty beyond Tanner Stage 2 or before age 12, whichever is later.”