07A-00 Christian

Attorney General Pam Bondi: “Targeting of Catholics, Parents and Pro-Life Americans Must Stop”– www.lifenews.com
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The U.S. Senate Tuesday night confirmed former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi as the next U.S. Attorney General for President Donald Trump’s second term.

Bondi was confirmed in a 54-46 vote with support from all 53 Senate Republicans and a lone Democrat, Sen. John Fetterman, D-PA. The swing-state senator has recently made headlines for breaking with his party on multiple issues, including border security.

All other members of the Senate Democratic caucus voted against Bondi.

Attorney General Bondi will head the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), which oversees the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

Idaho National Guard Needs a Purge after Brass Says ‘No Christians Allowed’– lidblog.com
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I don’t know who needs to hear it, but the top brass of the Idaho Army National Guard need to be cashiered out of the service after being caught saying Christians are not allowed to be promoted to officer ranks.

The Liberty Counsel has filed a lawsuit against the military branch, but lawsuit or no, Governor Brad Little — a putative Republican — needs to start firing his top Army officers for this.

According to a Liberty Counsel press release:

Liberty Counsel filed a lawsuit on behalf of an Idaho Army National Guard infantry officer against Governor Brad Little and two army generals for unlawfully removing the officer from command solely due to his personal Christian expression on biblical sexuality made outside of the military environment. An investigation into the officer, which revealed no wrongdoing, nevertheless recommended a policy to monitor potential candidates for command for any “concerning ideologies” as a way of “rooting out” any “extremism” in the ranks. In this case, the decision to remove him from command on this basis shows that his superiors believe his Bible-centered beliefs on sexuality to be concerning and essentially puts an unconstitutional “No Christians in Command” policy into action.

Catholic Charities Lies to Illegals to Aid Them Against ICE – PJ Media– pjmedia.com
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Catholic Charities Milwaukee is outrageously advising illegal aliens on refusing to comply with ICE, demanding rights they do not have, lying about U.S. laws, requesting help from foreign officials in undermining immigration law enforcement, and more.

The infamous video in question begins with a woman, Barb Graham, introducing herself as “an attorney at Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in the Refugee and Immigration Services Program.” She claims to be helping illegal aliens to understand their “rights” if ICE comes to arrest them. “All people living in the United States, including people who are undocumented, have certain rights under the United States Constitution,” she asserts.

This is simply false.

NICE: Trump Administration Fires Biden’s Porn Czar and Ends His ‘Book Ban’ Office– lidblog.com
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Want another reason that Trump 2.0 is the best thing to happen to the U.S. in decades? Check out the latest Biden abomination he nuked.

Back in 2023, when the left was racing to protect kiddy porn in school libraries and keep these books on the shelves, Biden set up the office of “book ban coordinator” and installed Matt Nosanchuk, a radical, leftist, gay activist, loon to run it.

But last Friday, the newly ensconced Trump administration fired Nosanchuk and ended his dangerous, porn-pushing department.

Per the Department of Education:

U.S. Department of Education Ends Biden’s Book Ban Hoax

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) today announced that it has dismissed 11 complaints related to so-called “book bans.” The complaints alleged that local school districts’ removal of age-inappropriate, sexually explicit, or obscene materials from their school libraries created a hostile environment for students – a meritless claim premised upon a dubious legal theory. Effective Jan. 24, 2025, OCR has rescinded all department guidance issued under the theory that a school district’s removal of age-inappropriate books from its libraries may violate civil rights laws. OCR is also dismissing six additional pending allegations of book banning and will no longer employ a “book ban coordinator” to investigate local school districts and parents working to protect students from obscene content.

“By dismissing these complaints and eliminating the position and authorities of a so-called ‘book ban coordinator,’ the department is beginning the process of restoring the fundamental rights of parents to direct their children’s education,” said Acting Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Craig Trainor. “The department adheres to the deeply rooted American principle that local control over public education best allows parents and teachers alike to assess the educational needs of their children and communities. Parents and school boards have broad discretion to fulfill that important responsibility. These decisions will no longer be second-guessed by the Office for Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education.”


Supreme Court to Hear Case Regarding Public Funding for Private Religious School– slaynews.com
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The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to tackle several big cases this term.

It comes as President Donald Trump begins the work to rebuild America to the level of greatness it experienced under his first term in office.

According to the Associated Press, the high court will soon weigh approval for the nation’s first publicly funded religious private school, which would be constructed in Oklahoma.

The Supreme Court agreed to take the case after an “Oklahoma Supreme Court decision that invalidated a state board’s approval of an application by the Catholic Church in Oklahoma to open a charter school,” the AP noted.

The fact that the Supreme Court agreed to take the case is good news for those in favor of the school.

Chip Roy Files Bill to Repeal FACE Law Biden Used to Put Pro-Life Americans in Prison– www.lifenews.com
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As pro-life activists await pardons from President Donald Trump, a key Republican member of Congress is introducing legislation targeting the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act.

Republican Texas Rep. Chip Roy introduced a bill Tuesday to repeal the FACE Act, which “prohibits threats of force, obstruction and property damage intended to interfere with reproductive health care services.”

“Now that we have a Republican trifecta in the House, Senate, and White House, Congress should move quickly to repeal this law and ensure that no future president can weaponize it against pro-lifers ever again,” Roy said in a statement.

“Free Americans should never live in fear of their government targeting them because of their beliefs,” Roy has said. “Yet, Biden’s Department of Justice has brazenly weaponized the FACE Act against normal, everyday Americans across the political spectrum, simply because they are pro-life.”

“Our Constitution separates power between the federal government and the states for a reason, and we ignore that safeguard at our own peril,” he added. “The FACE Act is an unconstitutional federal takeover of state police powers; it must be repealed.”

The bill comes as 21 pro-life advocates like Bevelyn Williams await a prdon from President Trump.

Pope Francis praises ‘profound’ Buddhist religious revival in Mongolia without mentioning Christ– www.lifesitenews.com
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“By reviving traditional spiritual practices and integrating them into the nation’s development, Mongolia has reclaimed its rich religious heritage,” said Francis in reference to Buddhism, which is by far the majority religion in the country. The religious practice does not acknowledge God as Creator, let alone Jesus Christ.

During the reign of communism in the country from 1924 to 1992, Buddhism was brutally repressed, along with other religions in the country, and experienced a resurgence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in late 1991.

Francis has often met with Buddhists and praised their religion without calling them to convert to Catholicism, thereby neglecting what the Church has historically recognized is an essential part of true ecumenism, since it is a dogma that there is “no salvation outside the Church.” Christ Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)