Alibaba Cloud gave China’s AI industry a fresh shock on Tuesday after it announced a price cut of up to 97%, making RMB 1 ($0.14) to handle an input as large as two million tokens. The sudden notice comes just days after TikTok owner ByteDance promised an ultra-low-cost model, which the company claimed can process 2 million Chinese characters under RMB 1, for corporate customers. Meanwhile, Baidu’s following announcement of its plan to open two main models – the entry-level ERNIE Lite and high-performance ERNIE Speed for free on Tuesday afternoon, further signals an escalated price war has begun aims to scramble for enterprises. [TechNode reporting]
China rams Philippine ship while 60 Minutes on board; South China Sea tensions could draw U.S. in – CBS News
… A 60 Minutes crew got a close look at the tense situation when traveling on a Philippine Coast Guard ship that was rammed by the Chinese Coast Guard.
China has repeatedly rammed Philippine ships and blasted them with water cannons over the last two years. There are ongoing conversations between Washington and Manila about which scenarios would trigger U.S. involvement, Philippine Secretary of National Defense Gilberto Teodoro said in an interview.
“I really don’t know the end state,” Teodoro said. “All I know is that we cannot let them get away with what they’re doing.”