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Excerpt from www.lifesitenews.com
(LifeSiteNews) — William Goodman, a member of the “DC Nine” peaceful pro-life rescuers who are facing an unprecedented 11 years in prison, told LifeSiteNews that no matter what happens as a result of his sentencing next week, it “will be an opportunity to try and love, serve, and obey God.”
With six of his confreres who were found guilty of violating the FACE Act and participating in a “conspiracy against rights” for performing a traditional rescue at an abortion facility in 2020, Goodman has been held in federal custody at the Alexandria Detention Center in Alexandria, Virginia, since late last summer awaiting sentencing by pro-abortion Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly.
The sentencing hearings begin next Tuesday, May 14, and conclude on the following Friday.
Fellow rescuer John Hinshaw describes their crime as “attempting to stop the slaughter of late-term babies in the Santangelo abortion mill in Washington, D.C.” Additionally, the importance of these sentences cannot be overstated, since never before has “peaceful civil disobedience faced such legal violence as our federal law enforcement is now practicing!”