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Excerpt from altamontenterprise.com
To the Editor:
I read last week’s editorial about the Berne-Knox-Westerlo school budget revote with great disappointment and some surprise [“Berne-Knox-Westerlo School Board is taking a ‘helluva gamble’,” June 6, 2024].In the editorial, you indicate that there has not been an organized anti-budget movement in the Hilltowns. The fact of the matter is every school budget is met with displeasure by a group of anti-tax, anti-public school individuals who take to Facebook to spread misinformation and fear about the proposed spending plan, regardless of what it includes.
We have a large contingency of homeschoolers in this district who are vocal about their objections to public schools and, while they have the right to educate their children however they see fit, they do not have the right to dismantle school budgets and decimate programming for the other children in our community.